Sunday, November 8, 2015

Alcohol And Pregnancy

Alcohol And Pregnancy
Do you know that the fetus will present the same blood alcohol level to that of his mother ... Would you have the idea to give to a baby, from birth, a baby bottle containing a dose of alcoholic beverage ...

SAF: FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME or sequelae of alcohol embryofetopathy

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is the most serious consequence of fetal alcohol syndrome and concerns of 700 to 3000 children, about 750,000 annual births.

All the consequences of alcohol, whether physical: malformations, growth retardation or neurological symptoms: behavioral disorders, medically called FAS: Fetal Syndrome Alcoholization.

Alcohol and Pregnancy

Alcohol is directly transmitted to the baby through the bloodstream. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause FAS, a serious disease that can affect the child throughout his life.
FAS is a permanent disability caused by exposure of the embryo and fetus to alcohol during pregnancy, it is characterized by a set of specific physical and facial abnormalities.

The potent teratogen alcohol

- Small molecule CH3 - CH2 OH
- Crosses the placenta
- Concentration gradient in the embryo and fetus
- Gaining priority brain (theory of dispersion of                                   flows)
 - This is the only teratogen which can both cause death (miscarriage, stillbirth, perinatal death), malformation, IUGR (Intra-Growth Delays Uterine), developmental disorders and learning.

Malformation of internal organs
- Heart, kidneys, diaphragm, genitals.
- Other body parts: (palaces, joints, fingers and nails ...)

Brain: major action
- Intellectual dificience
The IQ of children atteinds FAS ranges from 15-115 with an average of 67

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